

Martin O'Brien's new novel, The Bessel Conspiracy, is a genre-bending science fiction thriller set on the Moon in 2061, where a journalist is hired to investigate the attempted murder of a politician, whilst the inaugural Lunar Football League kicks off!

The Saratov Dossier, is an explosive thriller set against the backdrop of a vicious Russian presidential election and is available to buy now on Kindle, hardback, paperback and available as on audiobook, narrated by David Butler-Groome.

His first novel, The Wind and the Rain tells the story of Ana, an 18 year old Romani girl from 1980s Yugoslavia. Ana joins a secret group who fight anti-Roma prejudice as they hunt a former Nazi eugenist across Cold War Europe.

Kindle Version out now!

the Bessel


In the year 2061, the inaugural, mega-rich Lunar Football League is about to kick off on the booming Moon colony of 30 million people, built around the Sea of Serenity crater.

Earth-based journalist Hanson Vavasor is secretly hired to investigate the attempted murder of a prominent politician. He is placed undercover as the General Manager of troubled Bessel Football Club.

Hanson's dual jobs are made harder due to irate oligarchs, irascible old flames and irritating officials along with agitation for lunar independence, a spate of violent industrial disputes and the unrest caused by a religious extremist demanding “The Return” of the people to Earth.

Can Hanson find out who is behind the murder plot, plan for success with Bessel FC and, most importantly, find out why Picaros Snacks are so irresistibly tasty?

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The Saratov Dossier

The cop - a terror attack in an Oslo suburb lures a disenchanted Interpol agent into the maelstrom of the impending Russian presidential election run-off.

The journalist - long-buried secrets start emerging and one of Russia's most respected journalists must end her exile in London to ensure that malign influences are stopped from putting their man in the Kremlin.

The candidate - an ex-soldier has to decide whether anything will stop him becoming Russian president, no matter the cost to himself, his family and Russia itself.

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The wind and

The rain

In mid 1980s Yugoslavia, 18 year old student Ana has to flee her family home after she snaps and confronts bigotry head-on.

She is recruited by two strange men to join a secret group that fights anti-Romani prejudice and is trained to become a lethal assassin.

A newspaper article about looted Nazi artwork leads the group across Europe to hunt Albert Tremmick, a notorious Auschwitz eugenicist, known as the Butcher of Dieselstrasse. Ana has to find the strength to confront the very depths of human depravity in Cold War Berlin.

Does Ana possess the conviction to apply brutal justice before Tremmick disappears forever?

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Silence replaced

by noise

A thrilling set of 20 tales encapsulating terror, desire, courage, loss and love.

Visit the floating raft city of London populated by sinister reprobates and irradiated mutants, stroll the decks of the Magellan on its 180 year journey through space and inspect the Heavy South, a terrifying underground punishment centre inspired by Dante’s Circles of Hell.

Can Bella escape her burning apartment and free 40,000 political prisoners from the repurposed Wembley Stadium? Will Gabriel recover from his title fight knockout blow? Is the old woman in the painting talking to Rob?

Dare to confront a world where giant monsters crawl out of the sea to devastate cities, witness a regime where police use the Zamyatin Machine to pull incriminating memories from suspects’ brains or sample the intoxicating atmosphere of the big Christmas pub quiz.

Includes the original story that inspired The Wind and the Rain novel.

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All about Martin o'Brien

Martin is a proud Yorkshireman who moved to Manchester to study politics at university in 2004, graduating in 2007. He moved back to Yorkshire in 2011 and currently resides in Wakefield, the Merrie City.

He enjoys reading books on history with Simon Sebag Montefiore and Ben Macintyre being firm favourites. Fiction-wise, he has loved Stephen King's novels for many years. The Stand is his favourite book of all time but he also adores Insomnia, Needful Things, It and The Long Walk.

The biggest inspiration to his writing is classic European thrillers such as Day of the Jackal, The Runner and Fatherland. He is on a quest to visit every single country in Europe but wishes things like global pandemics would stop getting in the way.

The initial idea for his first book The Wind and The Rain actually came from one of his stories on Song Story Club which was inspired by four lines from Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat! From there, he encompassed his love of travel and fast-paced thrillers to produce his debut novel.